Human Design is:

your life’s hidden treasure map

That shows you who you truly are… AND… how You are designed to live!

I’ll cut straight to the point: Human Design is massively complex and confusing. When you look at your chart, you’ll say what the hell is this?! Which is why there are people (like me) who have studied Human Design in order to help people just like you understand your Human Design.

My most asked question: Where do I start?

My answer: With a reading by a professional (hi, it’s me).

This is where I interpret all the pieces of your chart and help you make sense of it all. See below for more.


Brand New to Human Design

If you are brand-spanking new to Human Design… WELCOME! Prepare to have your mind blown. Here are the best routes for beginners:

Human Design Reading- $175

  • This is a live reading where I give you the in’s and out’s of YOU! Reading YOUR unique Human Design chart. Highlighting:

    • Why you’re absolutely amazing

    • How you’re designed to operate in this world

    • Where your gifts are

    • Where you may be more conditioned by others

    • Your purpose

    • And SO. MUCH. MORE!

Your Human Design Guide - $100

  • This is essentially your Human Design reading in written format.

    • I translate your Human Design chart for you in a 15+ page document personalized for YOU!

    • Also includes three integration videos to help you get started.


Diving Deeper into Human Design

Human Design Money Reading: $175

  • This is a live reading where I dive into YOUR Human Design Chart through the lens of MONEY! Highlighting:

    • How you make money

    • here you may cut money off (and what to do about it)

    • Your specific money gifts

    • The message you’re here to share

    • How to know when you are in/out of the money flow

    • And so much more!

Human Design Individual Coaching: 3 or 6 month containers ($1200-$2000)

  • This is where your life will change drastically. And I’m saying that with 100% conviction as I’ve seen it in my clients.

  • I personally guide and coach you in a super nourishing, supportive container to help you reach your highest dreams.

    • Reminder: Your dreams don’t have to be to make a million. They could be: to slow down, to be happier, to feel better, to fully live this life you have, to figure out your true path and how to get there.


“Human Design is a LIFE-CHANGER.”

What is Human Design?

Human Design is an incredibly complex and powerful system that shows you how you are uniquely designed to interact energetically with the world.


What are the benefits?

The benefits that I have seen first-hand and through countless others are MASSIVE. It would be hard for me to detail all the Human Design has gifted to my work, my relationships, my passions and my life. Without listing off the thousands of benefits - I will pull out a few potential benefits you can expect by diving into your Design:

  • Less frustration overall

  • Happier!

  • More ease

  • Understanding (truly) the people you work with, live with, interact with

  • A MAP of how to live/work in a life of fulfillment (no more guessing if you’re on the right track)

  • A deep understanding of who you are and who you are meant to be

  • Understanding why you have challenges AND what to do about it

  • Truly there are endless more (which is why I am dedicating so much content to this)

Human design is the map to your unique alignment

My approach

When I came to Human Design I found it massively hard to understand it’s complexities & terminology. As it is part of my Design, I am here to provide you with APPROACHABLE HUMAN DESIGN.

If you’re looking for all of the amazing deep-dives into the complexities, history, philosophies of Human Design… I’m not your gal. There are endless others out there that can offer you the deep, deep dives.

I am your Human Design guide who tries to pull out all the confusion in Human Design and translate it for you into something understandable.

What is my Human Design (as in Taylor)?

I am a 4/6 Sacral Generator. SO much more to add, but that’s good for now. :)

Want to look up your Human Design Chart?

Access Your FREE CHART.

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