For the last few months I have been observing nature from my car. For many reasons, during this season of my life, the majority of my nature connection is happening through my windshield. Although it hasn’t been until these last few weeks that I have come to pull it all together into this unconventional gratitude.
Over this last year, I have noticed a deepening love occurring within myself, for birds. There is something so magical that calls me to them. I have always said, that my happiest view is seeing birds on a wire, but this affair has gone far beyond that.
Every day I drive out of my neighborhood, I am guaranteed to see a red-tailed hawk perched above on a light post. And every day I acknowledge them, often wishing them a great day, asking how they are, if they slept well, And how they are feeling… like you would greet your family member each morning. Sometimes I am saddened with curiosity, wondering if I am the only human who has ever acknowledged them.
I have squealed over flocks of pigeons and their majestic beauty in how they look like glitter in the sky as they shimmer from the underside of their wings. My heart bursts open for them. For these wonderful beings who are treated so poorly by humans, who are seen as pests. My heart opens for them, as to open wide enough to allow each and every one of them inside to a place that is safe and welcoming for them to find solace.
Another love showing up… crows. My recent draw towards these black beauties has my interest piqued. For their humanlike personality. How loud and carefree they can be as well as intelligent beyond our imaginations. For their adaptability and mystic.
Canadian geese. My inner child giggles out loud as I watch them come in for landing. Tonight, I watched them soar above, splitting in two groups. A few were conflicted in which group to choose. I wondered so much about them. Do they have specific flocks? Or do they simply live in one big community where all are accepted? Do they reunite when dawn breaks the next day, or do they explore out?
And then, out of nowhere, a blue jay has visited twice in my yard over the last week. Mind you, in all of the years I have lived in Colorado, I have never seen a blue jay. Stellar jays I grew up with, but blue jays… wow. Such an exciting treat to see this incredible soul come to say hello. Both times, I stopped mid-sentence to blurt out, “there is the MOST amazing bird outside right now!” and “the bird is BACK!” My husband laughed out loud at my fondness.
So, today and moving forward, I reflect on how birds are so absolutely incredible. How they literally live a life of joy simply by their unique mode of transportation. Crows and pigeons and how incredibly adaptable they are to their situations. Often times, they are some of the only wildlife we see in urban areas.
Being around all of these magical birds, gets me pondering. About the bigger lesson, the bigger picture here. And while I do think there are lessons in each of them, collectively these birds are showing me beauty and magic through community, individuality and adaptability. In how, regardless of your surroundings, you can choose to fly above it all. And simply, make your situation work for you. How to choose your flock and stick to it… or not. Simply relishing in the wonders of all of these incredible beings – leaves my heart so heart full with happiness. These birds, my commuting community and support of nature when I am not able to make it out. They come to me to show me that no matter what, nature will always be there waiting.