Simple, Yet Powerful: Boost Your Immunity For The Upcoming Flu Season


Simple, Yet Powerful: Boost Your Immunity for The Upcoming Flu Season

As we enter into the seasons of fall and winter, we often see an uptick in cold & flu. There are a number of reasons for this: people tend to stay indoors more - missing out on fresh air and vitamin D from the sun. Holidays typically come with a prolonged increase in sugar and alcohol. Sugar & alcohol are known to suppress your body's natural immune function. Increased stress also suppresses your immune system. Lastly, we simply don't move our bodies as much. Our lymphatic system is the natural system our body has that flushes toxins. However, the lymphatic system doesn't pump on it's own - it requires movement to work.

Fortunately, there are simple, yet SUPER powerful lifestyle adjustments that you can adopt to help you stay psychically and mentally strong.

  • Pack in the fruits and vegetables

    • Organic fruits and vegetables are quite literally natural preventative medicine for your body. These don't only support the health of your body, but your mind/mood as well.

  • More water, less booze

    • A simple replacement of a glass of water some of the time instead of a glass of wine will go a long way. Again, both in your physical health and certainly help alleviate stress, depression and anxiety.

  • Get outside

    • Every day if possible. My wonderful mentor, Michael Jospe told me once, you won't die of cold. Bundle up and get outside for at least 15 minutes a day - kids too.

  • Move your body

    • This is not to be confused with exercise. Move your body simply means that. Every day - a walk outside can double up on your time outside, yoga, dancing in the kitchen, hiking, mopping the floor.

  • Quiet time alone

    • Time each day to yourself. Away from the noise. Noise of people/pets you live with, noise of your phone. Find a practice that works for you (meditation, mindful walking, sit spot in your backyard, painting) and commit to a practice.

Simple, yet super powerful ways to strengthen the health of your body and mind. What’s your favorite way to support your health?