I used to think we all had a bigger purpose.
And now I’m thinking that’s all bullshit. I myself, was hyper-obsessed with finding my “purpose”. It’s one of the true pain points I see in my clients - not feeling like they have a bigger purpose. A key indicator for those who struggle with this, is that they have all the things in their life that they feel like they “should” be happy, but there is still a persistent, deep void within knowing there has to be more.
After years and years of personal work to “find” my purpose, I can surely say I found it! A few years ago, I had properly nailed down my purpose. To reconnect people back to nature. Got it. Phew! Check that MONSTER off the box and now post it as your north star, guiding light and all things point to this.
Fast forward to this year. I didn’t feel connected my purpose any longer. I was pissed. I had done all this work with my intuition, guides, self-help so WHY wasn’t I connecting to my PURPOSE?! This was in fact, why I came onto this planet, I was sure of it.
So I (reluctantly) started to dig into this some more. Each time I would question this, I would get your purpose on this earth is to LIVE it fully. Over and over, like a CD (remember those?) that was scratched and skipping – your purpose is to live your life.
What in the *actual* fuck?! You mean to tell me, I changed EVERYTHING in my life to follow the purpose that I thought was my purpose and now you’re telling me that my ACTUAL purpose is to just live?
I was bitter about this. I thought for sure I was here to get this grand peace prize legacy award at the end of my life and people would remember me as, Taylor Short: The Pioneer Who Successfully Helped to Reconnect Humans to Nature. Ahhh, the glory. My life would have been worth it. I made a difference.
…A difference, that’s what we all want with purpose, right?
Of course! We all want to feel like we are contributing – I truly believe this is a human need.
So then, what’s the problem with seeking out a purpose? Nothing. Absolutely nothing.
Here’s my take on it – I now believe that every single one of us has the same purpose…
To LIVE a life. To experience it all. The ups, the downs, the emotions, the beauty, the ugly, the unbelievable. And from there, choose a life you want to live.
Now, I also want to bring in this concept of PASSION. THIS is the part I think we are missing the most and often gets confused for PURPOSE. You see, purpose tends to have this external pressure. To fulfill something for someone or something other than yourself. Passion, on the other hand, is soley for yourself. This is a huge differentiator.
I believe when you follow your passions (whatever that may be) THAT is where your impact comes in.
What if you could let go of the pressure to find that one elusive “purpose” and begin to fall in love with finding your passions to see where they take you?
You see, when I follow my passion of traveling - an entire new me opens up. In fact, it’s my happiest, most alive me. And I’m amazing to be around, I am so lit up with inspiration, I am more flexible, I’m not walking around pissed off all the time.
And with passions, you can have many! You are a super amazing complex human who is constantly changing, so just because your partner or friend loves something, doesn’t mean you will as well. Passions are selfish and selfish is the way back to happiness. I know, it sounds terrible, but I living our lives to satisfy others is how we got to be so disconnected and bitter in the first place.
So, what is one passion you have? When it comes to mind, check in – is it something you “think” you should be passionate about? Did you grow up hearing, “You are so great at this, you should do it” OR is it something that you could get lost in for days? Something that complete lights you up? Something that you think is SO COOL!
Tap into that passion this week. Even for an hour. Make time for it. One hour. Do it again next week. And the following. Begin to watch your life transform.
Author: Taylor Short
Taylor Short is the CEO of Harmonious Return. As a ‘Job Reset’ Coach, she helps her clients move from feeling exhausted and overwhelmed to energized and fulfilled, without leaving their job. Want to chat about what your life could look like if you loved your job? Schedule your free Discovery Call HERE.