
The tool to help quiet your internal unrest

“Part of me wants to do it, but part of me doesn’t”.

“I’m so torn on what to do.”

“I just feel like one part of me wants to travel the world, but the other wants me to be


Have you ever heard any of these phrases in yourself or others?

The seeming conflict within yourself?

Wondering why it’s so hard to balance all sides of you?

This is Partswork.

What is Partswork?

  • Partswork is a coaching modality I use to work with clients to work out unrest within.

Where did it come from?

  • This modality is one I studied and learned at the Earth-Based Institute, where it was passed down from Dr. Roger Strachan who developed this model.

What’s it all about?

  • It’s the belief that we are all made up of parts, with the soul at the center. You can almost view these parts as your various personalities. They can come from your genetics and environment you grew up in.

    • The “parts” are the areas of your brains that fire together to create our own unique experiences.

What is it used for?

  • The purpose of partswork is to be able to get the chaos in your head out on paper so you can sort out your inner conflict and hear your true wisdom.

    • Partswork is the most transformational tool to help with in-the-moment emotional (and mental) management of energy.

      • Great for:

        • Overthinkers

        • Indecision

        • Those who want a better hold of their emotions

        • Energy management

        • Highly Sensitives & Empaths

        • Managing addiction

        • Negative thought patterns

        • Staying aligned to your true path

        • Feeling stuck

How long does it take?

  • It’s a six session process that will span over three months. We can always add on sessions as needed thereafter.

    • Suggested schedule:

      • First two sessions a week apart, then last four every other week

What’s the process?

  • There is a very organized process you and I will go through to:

    • Identify your parts

    • Get to know your parts (what voices they are in your head and what they need)

    • Create your mandala (below)

    • Learn how to DO the practice

    • Take off the training wheels so you’re confident using this on your own!

The image below is an example of the mandala you will create of your parts.


How much does this cost?

  • $150/session

Yes, I’m Ready! What’s the next step?

  • If you’re excited about how this could transform your life - the next step is to have a chat with me!

    • We’ll connect for 30 minutes to see if it’s a match


I always offer complimentary 30 minute discovery calls to understand if partswork makes sense for you.

It would be an absolute honor to be a part of the incredible journey of yours!

Much Love,
